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Latvian Community association in the UK logo


Here you can find out about some of the activities we've been organising, both past and present. Get in touch if you're interested in any of them!


'Creating Latvia' youth camps

Iniciatīva "Radām Latviju" ir Latviešu kopienu asociācijas Apvienotajā Karalistē un biedrības "Jaunatnes līderu koalīcija" Latvijā 2022.gadā aizsākta iniciatīva. Iniciatīvas "Radām Latviju!" mērķis ir vienuviet dokumentēt dažādu Latvijas diasporas pasaulē pasākumu dalībnieku radošos darbus tematikā, kas saistās ar Latvisko dzīvesziņu, latviskumu mūsos un apkārt, neatkarīgi no tā, kurā pasaules malā mēs esam. Mēs ticam, ka mēs ikkatrs esam tie, kas Rada Latviju! Kopā! Vairāk info nometnes mājas lapā -


Immersive women's camps

Šīs trīs dienu nometnes ir veltītas sieviešu mentālās labklājības stiprināšanai ar moto “Drosme būt pašai.” Tās nodrošina drošu un ieskaujošu vidi pašrefleksijai, emocionālai dziedināšanai un personīgai izaugsmei, piedāvājot īpaši pielāgotas aktivitātes un darbnīcas, piemēram, dažādas terapijas (skaņas, mākslas, Helingera metodes, deju u.c.), radošās nodarbības un fiziskās aktivitātes. Pēdējā šajā transformējošajā pasākumā piedalījās 48 sievietes.


Radio show

A weekly Latvian radio show that highlights inspiring community members and their stories. It connects the Latvian diaspora, celebrates cultural identity, and fosters a sense of belonging and motivation among listeners.


Chair Yoga

Chair yoga offers gentle exercise tailored for the elderly. It helps improve flexibility, reduce stress, and foster community connections, enhancing both physical and mental health. It is followed by 'juicing and jarring' session to promote socialising.

Private Parties

Ceramics classes

Led by experienced ceramicists with counseling qualifications, these monthly workshops combine creative expression with therapeutic guidance. Beneficiaries build confidence, reduce stress, and develop new skills in a supportive and relaxing environment.



These online sessions make therapeutic and educational activities accessible to a broader audience. Covering topics like art therapy, constellation therapy, physiotherapy, yoga, and fermentation, they provide practical tools to support mental and physical wellbeing.

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Walk & Talk

Held monthly in various UK locations, these sessions promote physical activity and social connection. They provide a safe space for beneficiaries to share experiences, reduce isolation, and improve mental wellbeing while exploring nature.


Floristic classes

This was another form of our wellbeing sessions. It was wonderful to see beautiful floral creations getting made in a friendly and supportive environment with an enthusiastic teacher.


Healthy living classes

We learnt about the importance of nutrition and how to make different healthy foods from a variety of cultures, the sushi masterclass, for example, was a big hit and very educational!


Arts sessions

We love to get creative in many different forms. Be it helping to put together an exhibition, having a go at a literature class or exploring different art styles and learning about great Latvian artists. Many of the classes are taking place online.

Corporate Events

Family days

One of our strongest values is strong families. We organise different family friendly events, such as outdoor activities, excursions and concerts. We are also here to support the most needy families and make sure they have access to proper education, healthcare and opportunities to take part in activities.


Youth events

We believe that our youth is our future with their bright and creative ideas. We aim to create a safe space for youth to express themselves and get any support needed, especially young girls. We have created international events, where Latvian youths in the UK work on  cultural projects with the youths in Latvia. We're also organising cultural and language immersion camps for children and young people.



Being a musical nation, we love organising musical events. We recognise many local talents and give them the opportunity to grow and practice their skill on our stages. We also like to invite popular guest musicians - local and from Latvia itself. 


Sports days

Every now and then we like to get together for some active family fun outdoors! 


Therapy sessions

We work together with a fantastic therapist, who can help you when you're in need to get though stuff together with a professional. The therapist communicates in both - Latvian & English.


Nordic walking

Thanks to the wellbeing funding we received we were able to offer people the chance to get active and in fresh air, with nordic walking poles and tips from specialists.


Kundalini yoga

We started working with our wonderful teacher Veejay 3 years ago and continued online during the pandemic. We aim to resume in person sessions in the near future and everyone is welcome to join!


Creative English classes

We ran this workshop for a few months and it was a hit! In addition to teaching us english, the amazing teacher taught us how to create beautiful paper-rolling art works!


These sessions encourage creative self-expression and emotional release through movement. Participants explore their inner selves, improve self-awareness, and build confidence in a vibrant and supportive group setting.

Authentic dance


Radio show

A weekly Latvian radio show that highlights inspiring community members and their stories. It connects the Latvian diaspora, celebrates cultural identity, and fosters a sense of belonging and motivation among listeners.

Gladstone Park Community Centre,

927 Bourges Blvd, Peterborough PE1 2AN

charity number:1191882

tel: 07723 680 381


© 2022 by LCAitUK

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